The Sydney Siege: Hostage Crisis at Martin Place December 15th 2014

Images taken a few days after the Sydney hostage crisis when the memorial was surrounded by the mass public, security personnel, barriers and love.

It was a beautiful sensation to be part of this and to pay my respects living with the memory of what happened a few days before. I felt physically touched and humbled. The tears of others triggered mine and this wall of loss, peace and respect was detectable amongst us all. The Lindt cafe was cornered off out of bounds, as were the flower displays.

On the day itself I was in work only a few streets down from the Martin Place events in my office block being told to remain indoors until further notice. It was an uneasy and worrying time but I could sense everyone was wearing their brave faces from then on for a few days. You could say it was chance that a certain few were chosen as part of the awful occurrence and I feel truly thankful, grateful and relieved on a selfish note, whilst simultaneously feeling so much empathy and sadness for those who suffered, along with those who love them.

2 below taken from my Instagram.

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