Poem - 'Golden Gates'

Hey poem fans/ accidental page landers! 

Welcome to another poem in my consistent writing activity as of late. This could be my favourite yet – I'm a proud (literary) mum! It says everything in so few words and leaves me with a sense of restfulness every time.

If you've ever knelt on that fine line between love and hate then you may well connect with this. The feelings towards a particular situation have had time to mature, so this reflection is composed from a grateful, hopeful, sensitive position. If it was written at the time of experience, it would have been too explosive to comprehend, or simply inexpressible. The moral – consider and praise the beauty in every painful episode and accept time as your friend (although he is slowww when you're hanging out with pain). Secondly, learn to sit with these things...they're going to be with you for life.

'There's beauty in the struggle' –J.Cole...springs to mind when captioning my image.

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